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FAQs about Princess Cut Diamond Earrings

What is a princess cut diamond?

A princess-cut diamond is a square or rectangular diamond cut that features a distinctive faceting pattern designed to maximize brilliance and sparkle. It is one of the most popular and sought-after diamond shapes for engagement rings, earrings, and other jewelry. The princess cut is known for its modern and elegant appearance, making it a versatile choice for various styles and settings.

Are princess cut earrings suitable for everyday wear?

Princess-cut diamond earrings can be suitable for everyday wear, but it’s important to choose well-crafted settings, high-quality diamonds, and proper care to ensure their longevity and maintain their beauty.

Do princess-cut diamonds cost more than other cuts?

Princess-cut diamonds can vary in cost depending on factors such as carat weight, cut quality, color, clarity, and market demand. While princess-cut diamonds offer a beautiful blend of modern aesthetics and brilliant sparkle and may have certain price advantage over other diamond cuts, it’s important to consider your preferences, and priorities before selecting the shape of your diamond.

What should I look for when buying princess-cut earrings? 

Besides the 4 C’s of Cut, clarity. color and carat one should also pay attention to diamond symmetry, fluorescence, metal used and setting when buying princess cut earrings. Personal preferences vary, and it’s important to choose earrings that align with your style and taste.

Are princess cut earrings as sparkly as round brilliant cut earrings?

Princess cut earrings are indeed very sparkly, but their sparkle may have a slightly different appearance compared to round brilliant cut earrings. Princess cut diamonds, known for their modern and elegant appearance exhibit a distinct combination of bold flashes of light and a checkerboard pattern of sparkle. The kite-shaped and triangular facets in these diamonds interact with light in a way that creates bright flashes, particularly in the center of the diamond. 

Round brilliant cut diamonds, on the other hand are classic and timeless and  are designed to maximize light performance and sparkle. The arrangement of facets in a round brilliant cut diamond results in a high level of brilliance, fire, and scintillation. 

Both cuts offer their own unique play of light and brilliance due to their distinct faceting patterns.


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La Joya Jewelry was born out of a free spirit and a radical thought. You shouldn’t have to choose between affordability, morality and quality. The problem was simple but the solution was disruptive of the luxury diamond jewelry industry. How can we make heirloom quality, world-class premium designs that are responsibly sourced and affordable to those who feel the same way we do? For us, the answer was crystal clear. La Joya Jewelry will not compromise on sourcing, design, affordability or service.

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    Last updated: 9th April 2024